RAG Energy Storage, a wholly-owned subsidiary of RAG (RAG Austria AG), started its business on 1 January 2013 and is focused on the marketing of storage capacities of the storage facilities Puchkirchen/Haag, Aigelsbrunn, Haidach 5 and Nussdorf/Zagling with a total working gas volume of 17,123 GWh. The aim of RAG Energy Storage is to meet the challenges of a new energy world by offering innovative bespoke services, designed to make a reality of “value added gas”, as well as RAG’s established storage products. Working in close consultation with other market participants, RAG Energy Storage plans to leverage Austria’s strategic geographical location and favourable geology to expand its gas storage capacity.
Georg Dorfleutner
T +43 (0)50 724-5501
F +43 (0)50 724-5599
M +43 (0)664 811 9486
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